Sunday, 1 September 2013

A conversation betweeen a smartphone and it's smart user

Our life has had a significant change in the last few years because of the rapid changes in the technology field. Below is a conversation between a teenager and his smartphone. Without more ado, let's see how this unusual and unheard of conversation goes.

Prakash (smartphone user) - I wonder how life would be without a smartphone!

Smartphone - Obviously a life without smartphone wouldn't be smart. No twitter, no FB, no GooglePlay which means no apps. Boring life...

Prakash - Just that? That's all you're useful for? A simpler life would be a lot more fun and a lot more easier.

Smartphone - I disagree...Smartphone has made your life a lot more convenient and a lot more joyful. For instance, you need to search for a nearby restaurant, you can get easy step by step guide to a restaurant as per your wish, near to the place you're at. Was this remotely possible in the earlier times!

Prakash - Our life has become a nuisance since the invention of smartphone. Most of the teenagers I see, in trains/metro's/airplanes, you just cannot see them without a smartphone. Their eyes continuously on the mobile screen, playing games or surfing net, what about the weakening of the eyesight because of this? They're getting distracted from the much more important parts of their life. They've stopped exploring the real sense of life. Teenagers have stopped spending time with their family. What about this? "Parents say something and they just nod along, without even realizing what their parents are saying"...

Smartphone - What about the free information that you get via the apps provided in smartphones. These apps have made learning a lot more fun and creative. We just cannot overlook this change. Similarly, we're living in the modern times and as the society around us is getting modernized, we too must with it get modernized.

Prakash - Getting calls from work colleagues for no important reason but just gossip, what's the use? Students talk to their friends/sms their friends and not on important issues but useless ones. Is this where our society is coming? How can this be labeled as a "good" change?

Smartphone - On that note, if there's an emergency and you need to call your relative or a hospital, isn't a smartphone or a phone for that matter a blessing? In case, you don't know about the nearby hospitals, there are apps on smartphone which can be used for this very purpose. If you consider this, you can realize how important a smartphone is...

Prakash suddenly woke up and realized that he was dreaming. What a dream it was! A conversation with his smartphone. Both the smartphone and Prakash raised several valid points in the dream. So, what do you think? Whose thoughts were apprehended in a better way or whose thoughts do you stand by with - Prakash' or smartphone?

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda


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