Monday, 23 September 2013

Save paper - we say this but do we deem with this?

In the recent times, I've been observing my surroundings and the misuse of paper is immense. It has become a habit for most of us to use paper in household work, covering dirty windows, using them to clean the house and several other purposes. Has this what the usage of paper come down to? Do we only buy papers to eventually sell them to the "kabariwaalas"? If that's the purpose, then I don't really see a reason why we're cutting trees for this very purpose. Have we forgotten that paper is treated like god, we've been instilled with values that paper must not in fact even be thrown with slightest of disrespect as it is believed to be "vidyadyani".. Remember while we used to tear papers off from our notebooks, we were always instructed not to do so. Why do you think it was so? Not necessarily just because it is believed that you're insulting "vidyadyani" but also because you're not valuing paper, making of which is done by cutting of trees, which is extremely harmful to the nature.

But, we are not the ONLY ones to blame. We learn what we are taught by OUR seniors. Just a few days back, I was watching the Lok sabha in session on tv and saw one of the politician stand up and started giving a speech (I'm not gonna name him), the paper from which he was reading, was distributed to several senior leaders of his party and opposition party too. Now, tell me this - isn't this purely WASTAGE of paper? When he's reading out, what's the point of distributing the very paper to all of the senior leaders present? Whereas on other hand, government is distributing "aakash tablets" to students, why can't the government itself get a little modernistic and start using laptops/tablets in parliamentary sessions.. It's only fitting to raise this question, do you agree?

Similarly, in schools and colleges, why can't we use tablets/laptops? We talk about competing with US, in terms of educational facilities but may I remind you, majority of the schools in US, don't make students write on notebooks. In fact, this is the case in many countries, the use of notebooks is absolutely zero. Why can't India implement the same? Now, don't think I'm UNAWARE of what's happening in our country and how much time it will take to implement all this but at least let's START and work towards a change. Sitting and thinking/debating about this isn't gonna solve the issue...

Most of the students of today's generation are highly tech-freak and know how to use laptops/tablets, for them it shouldn't be a tough task to study on laptops/tablets. Whereas teachers would then need to be trained as to how they should teach FROM tablet and laptops, which will take time but will gradually get implemented throughout India. First this must be tried in the metro cities after which it shall be implemented into smallest cities i.e. if it works out alright in metro cities.. What are you thoughts?

Keeping it short and simple, not complicated, that's pretty much some basic points I'd like to raise. I'm writing this to know your views. What do you think? Are you in favor of/against the total non usage of paper, to save trees from being cut down - further insuring betterment of the nature and at the same time, utilizing the technology that we have in a more better and useful way. Do post your thoughts.. :)


  1. Indeed I agree with you use of technology should come into play and there must be proper recycling of Papers as well,we really need to save trees for our survival..

    1. Yep, exactly. When there's technology for use, it must be utilized :)
