Saturday, 28 September 2013

Look around, inspiration is everywhere...

In life, there are times when we feel totally let down and demotivated. Saying from person experience, in such times, all we look for is a ray of hope. Even smallest of the things can cheer us up and inspire us. This blog post is just about that...

My father is my biggest source of inspiration. In today's highly diplomatic world, he's someone who I look upto and someone whose footsteps I follow. He's taught me that being honest is the biggest trade of a person, those who have it, must not sell it. In today's world, people those who speak the truth stand out. I believe the same and hence, many people may not like me for my honesty but those who do, are just the kind of people I'd want to meet.. :)

Inspiration is something that cannot be explained in mere words, it can only be felt. A few days ago, I was sitting with my grandfather and having the morning tea and he told me a story of his struggling days in Delhi. In the early 1960's, he came to Delhi to find a job, he was a civil engineer. Having come from a modest village in Bihar, my grandfather didn't had much money and couldn't afford a good flat or good life style. His brother was living in Delhi and he offered my grandfather to stay with him. Both the brothers stayed in a 1 room flat, not just this but slept on a TABLE and that too not just any other table but the table on which they ate. They cleaned it after eating, put a "chadhar" on it and slept. For breakfast, lunch, dinner - both the brothers just satisfied themselves by eating "channa" - a snack kind of thing, by no means enough to fill one's stomach.

While my grandfather was telling me this story, I had goosebumps. My grandfather doesn't often talk about his struggles and therefore it was very rare to hear my grandpa's story and what a story! Who wouldn't get inspired by it! Today, not only has he had a wonderful career, he has 4 sons that are well established, this speaks of the stature of the great man. Once a struggling civil engineer, today just because of his will power and true-to-work determination has earned him success. My grandfather is also a person who highly inspires me.. :)

Where isn't inspiration? Look around, it's everywhere. Go to a chaiwalla and more often that not, you'd see a 5-6 years old kid working and serving tea, not studying but hoping to study one day. Biggest example of belonging to such conditions is the next probable PM of India, Narendra Modi. His father ran a tea shop on which he worked whenever he was free from school work or on weekends and today, he's the next possible PM of India. Whenever I listen to him speak - I get inspired, I very frankly have highest of the respect for the man. He has worked his way to the top, he started from nowhere and has gradually earned the respect that he has. Salute to the great man! :)

Steve Jobs, who was sacked from his very own company or Walt Disney, who was sacked been given the reason that he lacks creativity, there are so many examples of people that can inspire us. We often think that hardships in life can only mean negativity but that isn't the case, if it was so, then none of us would reach anywhere in life. We all go through struggles but it's our positivity, our sheer hard work/determination which leads us to great success in life and thereby, we all serve as a source of inspiration in the slightest of the way for people around us.

Being positive and inspiring people around us, in the slightest of the way we can is the best way to live life. We must be there for our loved ones and friends when they require us the most because this is what 'inspiring' is.. :)

I'd love to know your views on this. Inspiration is everywhere, even the smallest of the things can inspire us. :)


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